Move the Images & Information – Not the Patient!

Expand Your Reach

Give and get consultations from anywhere, with the right information and images in any format.

Never Miss Vital Data

Take your EMR and protocols to the next level with apps that organize patient data and provide alerts.

Get Better Referrals

Simplify secure communication with leading experts anywhere, ensuring quality and continuity of care.

Link to Top Professionals

Join a community of global healthcare professionals to elevate care while containing costs.

How Physicians Use CMTC Solutions

  • Getting virtual second opinions to confirm a diagnosis
  • Giving on-line consultations for treatment determination
  • Streamlining patient transfers between facilities
  • Providing expert consultations to remote locations via telemedicine
  • Recruiting clinical trial participants
  • Enforcing clinical protocols using pre-determined guidelines
  • Enabling concierge medical services


“The new vConsult 4.0 represents an exciting revolution in medical communication and delivery of care. It enables the efficient organization of a case, including medical records and images, so that a consultant may review the case securely anytime from anywhere.”

Miles Varn, M.D.

Chief Medical Officer, PinnacleCare

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