What they Say about Us? “The innovative vConsult 4.0 enabled Pinnacle to create an on-line providers’ community with leading doctors from medical institutions such as UCLA, Cornell, University of Miami, University of Virginia and NYU to provide more efficient and effective consultative services while supporting our global expansion initiatives.” Miles Varn, MD Chief Medical Officer, PinnacleCare “The new vConsult 4.0 represents an exciting revolution in medical communication and delivery of care. It enables the sharing of medical records for diagnosis, review, or for surgery consultation from any of our international centers directly to the specialist’s computer anyplace, anytime.” Miles Varn, MD Chief Medical Officer, PinnacleCare “I have been working with PinnacleCare using CMTC Virtual Consultations and believe it has helped extend the reach of our experience and expertise through a highly-informed, efficient and technologically advanced service.” Mark Brown, MD Chairman Emeritus of Orthopedic Surgery at the University of Miami School of Medicine “CMTC and its digital platform offer NYP an opportunity to reach further than ever before. We will now have physicians world-wide at our fingertips, and their patients can receive consults and clinical care with efficiency and accuracy that only a software infrastructure such as this can offer.” Deborah Schwarz-McGregor, PA Director, External Affairs, Department of Surgery, Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons “vConsult will allow our department to efficiently respond to the inquiries that we get from all over the world on the latest cardiovascular techniques we are developing.” Eric Rose, MD Chairman, Department of Surgery Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center “vConsult has great promise to expand the patient base of US hospitals to the international market. New York Presbyterian Hospital also sees potential for linking the members of large systems such as ours for increased efficiencies.” David Liss VP Government Relations & Strategic Initiatives, New York-Presbyterian Hospital “I fully support the CMTC process and implementation. They may well have found one of the major keys to making remote consultation and physician-to-physician collaboration work on a large scale, where many others have failed.” Richard Satava, MD Professor of Surgery, Yale University School of Medicine “CMTC has created a digital platform to allow comfortable and efficient interaction between physicians and patients across the world that will open the spigot for high quality health care delivery. Referrals will follow the education that our patients and referring physicians will gain through this digital interaction.” Mehmet C. Oz, MD Vice Chairman for Cardiovascular Services, Department of Surgery Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons Questions? Get in touch. Find out how CMTC can revolutionize your healthcare delivery.Contact Us