Making sure every patient gets the right care

  • Access to expert consultations for referrals and second opinions

  • Continuity of care via secure physician collaboration

  • Customized, evidence-based protocols and alerts

  • A global community of healthcare professionals

Who We Are

Collaborative Medical Technology Corporation (CMTC) is a health informatics company dedicated to building telehealth and mobile health solutions for hospitals, physicians, specialist, providers, patients/caregivers and payers.

CMTC provides a cloud-based platform with secure “one-click access” for cross-enterprise connectivity among healthcare professionals, hospitals & payers anytime, anyplace and in any format to improve, accelerate and expand healthcare delivery locally, regionally and globally.

The CMTC solutions platform and apps digitize and automate the core processes of healthcare delivery, resulting in improved outcomes, greater efficiency and reduced costs.


Our Mission

To advance the patient experience and outcomes by improving the effectiveness and efficiency of healthcare delivery.

  • Digitize, automate and facilitate intelligent management of patient treatment and referrals to specialists
  • Revolutionize the way doctors and researchers collaborate, share data and communicate
  • Extend the reach of medical & specialty care locally, regionally & globally
  • Facilitate second opinions for diagnosis and appropriate, timely treatment of critical or complex cases
  • Supply tools for development of customized protocols and alerts—delivered with all relevant images and information—ensuring every patient receives consistent, high-quality care.

Questions? Get in touch.

Learn how CMTC can revolutionize your healthcare delivery.
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